Stacked Plates

20+ Beautiful Plate Wall Configurations for the Interior Decorator

I’ve compiled a list of plate wall configurations both for myself and any other interior decorator. I find these very helpful as my plate collection grows. And they keep me focused on what plate sizes I need more or less of.

Use these configurations as is or as inspiration for something of your own. And if a complex layout speaks to you, remember you can start with something small and build it bigger later!

Horizontal Plate Wall Configurations

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 1

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 2

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 3

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 4

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 5

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 6

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 7

Horizontal Plate Wall Configuration 8

Vertical Plate Wall Configurations

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 1

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 2

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 3

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 4

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 5

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 6

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 7

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 8

Vertical Plate Wall Configuration 9

Other Plate Wall Configurations

Plate Layout 1

Plate Layout 2

Plate Layout 3

Plate Layout 4

Plate Layout 5

Plate Layout 6

How to Hang a Plate on Drywall

When putting up your plates, not all will land on a stud. You will have to place some into drywall, which may not be sturdy enough to support the weight of the plate.

If you’re reluctant to gamble with a special piece and risk it falling and breaking, I recommend you use drywall hooks.

These hooks are made for drywall space where studs are not present. Instead of resorting to unsightly anchor screws that can be difficult to remove, these hooks leave smaller holes and are easier to patch up later.

You can read more about them in this blogpost.

These hooks will not work on wall areas where there are studs. Therefore, you’ll want to use a mix of nails or picture hooks and drywall hooks on your plate wall.

And when it comes to placement, I encourage you to use a picture-hanging tool for the sake of ease. If you don’t mind performing a little math for each plate, then you can do without it.

Or you can eyeball it.

But honesty, if you like things to be as close to perfection as possible, get yourself this tool.

Wrap Up

Hopefully, this list was enough inspiration to get the ball rolling for your own plate wall!

Although I demonstrated examples of round plates, remember you can use squared plates and oval platters too. This will make your plate wall more interesting.

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